Wallet News and Designs

I discuss everything related to wallets including wallet designs (from old fashion to high tech) to wallet news to discussion about everything that goes into wallets (bills, credit cards, drivers licenses, family pictures).

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Returning a Lost Wallet?

How many people would return a wallet on the ground? How many will steal the wallet or the money inside? The website called WalletTest.com set up an experiment where 100 wallets were dropped in front of hidden cameras. 74% of people returned them safely, while 26% kept the wallets.

Here are the detailed results of the experiment. It's nice to see that the majority of the people were honest. However, there wasn't much temptation. The wallet's contents consisted of only 2 dollars, ten pennies, a fake $50 gift certificate and a few other things with no value. I wonder if there were a lot more cash, would the stats change?